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Writer: Mbizo ChirashaMbizo Chirasha

MIROSLAVA PANAYOTOVA is a multi-tasked writer .A translator, educationist ,published poet , arts events organizer and international communicator. Today the PorCuPineQuill features her micro-poetry to motivate other poets , writers and our beloved readership . Writer PANAYOTOVA is also the WOMAWORDS Associate in Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. SALUTATIONS.

The song faded under my fingers, it peeled off my fingers and ran down the keys. It wrapped the floor, put out the candle, it lit a cigarette and handed it to me, to tell you about it later. We pass our days through a sieve. We filter the sun, the clouds, the wind, the birds,   the wires, the thoughts - the black, the white,   the blue,            and the big ones. We filter the world. We are afraid to preserve       the whole conscience.

SPRINGTIME In order for the colour spots above the hill to spring up in the morning, to read the message in the sidewalk tiles, for to believe in the white wind blowing once a year, sun, youth and greenery are needed.

THE WEATHER Music twists branches to the source of time

and begs for some more madness. The madness is paid with the smile of the viewer, it draws sands and sprinkles you with them. The water decreases in the spring. Sure sail is time. Finally it wraps you up.

MIROSLAVA PANAYOTOVA graduated from Plovdiv University, specialized in Bulgarian philology. She has have published poems, stories, tales, aphorisms, essays, criticisms, translations, articles and interviews in periodical and collections. Panayotovas poetry booksincludes: Nuances, 1994, God of the senses, 2005, Whisper of leaves, 2017, Green feeling, 2018; two books with stories: An end, and then a beginning, 2017, The path of love, 2018; two eBooks: Laws of communicatons /aphorisms/, 2018, Old things /poetry/, 2018. She an ardent a member of the Union of the Independent Bulgarian Writers and a member of the International Association of Independent Writers “Sodrujestvo”.

PorCupineQuill is authored and edited by Mbizo CHIRASHA

MBIZO CHIRASHA IS the Freedom of Speech Fellow to PEN- Zentrum  Deutschland,Germany. 2019 African Fellow  of the International Human Rights  Arts Festival in NewYork, USA.Literary Arts Activism Diplomatie.  Globally Certified  Arts Mediums Curator and Influencer. Internationally Published Page and Spoken Word Poet. Writer in Residence.  Arts for Human Rights Catalyst.  Core Team Member of the Bezine Arts and Humanities Project. His illustrious poetry , hybrid writings , political commentary ,short fiction , book reviews  and Arts Features are published in more  than 400 spaces notably the Monk  Arts and Soul in  Magazine  in United Kingdom. Atunis in Belgium. Demer press poetry series in Netherlands. World Poetry Almanac in Mongolia.Poesia journal in Slovenia. Bezine Arts and Humanities Webzine in USA. The Poet a Day in Brooklyn ,USA. Litnet Writers Journal in South Africa. African Crayons in Nigeria. Poetry Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. Pulp-pit USA.the FictionalCafe international Journal , Texas USA. Best New African Poetry series in Zimbabwe, Zimbolicious Poetry Collections in Zimbabwe. Co-edited Street Voices International Publications with Andreas Weiland  in Germany.Co-Edited  Silent Voices Anthology, a Tribute to Chinua Achebe



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