1. #BRAVE VOICES PRESS#A digital literary arts culture Republic featuring Resistance Poetry and Voices of Mass Instruction . Speaking hard truth to Abusers of Power . Telling Transparency to greed and corrupt political leadership. Wielding Pen for the upholding of human rights. Word -Slingers in trenches in their struggle for Freedom of Expression and Freedom after Expression.
2.#WOMAWORDS LITERARY PRESS# A Trendsetting Digital Arts Culture Thicket archiving creative resilience and artistic excellence. It is a platform to exhibit women of literary arts prowess and revolutionary sister comrades defying ugly odds of barbarism , chauvinism and savagery to positively change their communities through artistic resistance , to right the wrong perceptions as they carry the torchlight to stardom. WOMAWORDS is Haven of Head -busting Short Fiction . Nerve -Shredding Poetry And Mind -Blowing ARTISTIC Profiles*
3.TIME OF THE POET REPUBLIC Digital Poetry Series formerly MIOMBOPUBLISHING– a global poetry call platform that have matured from being a single profile blog article into a globally acclaimed theme based anthology series with the latest SECOND NAME OF EARTH IS PEACE – a multi-genre collection of short stories ,hybrid essays,flash fiction and poetry for peace , freedom of expression , global human experiences ,challenges , anti-war , anti-corruption ,quest for human rights and more,https://miombopublishing.wordpress.com/2020/01/16/time-of-the-poetsecond-name-of-earth-is-peace/
4.COVID 19 Satans Deadly Fart- Poetry Chapbook. A fusion of Page Poetry and Spoken Word Chapbook project unraveling my experiences in the menacing exile and traumatizing lock down farce.
Girl child creativity is a project designed to mitigate under-representation and unbalanced participation of young female writers/poets in areas of creative writing ,literature,literacy and poetry performances development. It further enhances the ability of the girlchild to develop herself mentally. The motto is freedom of mental media air waves for community development , a creative nation is a developed nation.
6.DAUGHTERS OF THE EARTH Writers Contest Project in 2020.
#DaughtersoftheEarth( A NEW PROJECT from 2020 onward with a different THEME every Year)*Daughters of the Earth Project* The 2020 THEME is Menstrual Health and Menstrual Equity ( an international program , more details to be announced soon). Submissions from women writers fro around the globe and the genres are short stories , poetry and flash fiction(hybrid). We are going to add more SUBMISSION DETAILS about the PROJECT JURY and TIMELINES.
ZIMBABWE WE WANT POETRY Campaign -Mother Project that evolved into Brave Voices Poetry Journal and Timeof the Poet,intially hosted in Canada by Tuck Magazine and later by MIOMBOPUNLISHING ANDit is in partinership with 100 Thousand Poets for Change Global under the banner of 100 tHOUSAND POETS FOR PEACE Zimbabwe.
7. FREEDOM VOICES POETRY WRITING PRIZE, an international poetry writing contest that saw more than 50 poets and activists participating from all over the globe in 2019 .The contest was judged by globally revered poets and acclaimed writers that included Professor Michael Dickel, poet and editor James Coburn, reputable journalist and published writer Omwa Ombara and professional writing mentor Tracy Yvonne Breazile. We are going to have a new theme for 2020 to 2021