Freedom of Speech Fellow to PEN- Zentrum Deutschland,Germany. Alumni of the International Human Rights Arts Festival in New-York, USA.Literary Arts Activism Diplomatie. Globaly Certified Arts Mediums Curator and Influencer. Internationally Published Page and Spoken Word Poet. Writer in Residence. Arts for Human Rights Catalyst. Core Team Member of the Bezine Arts and Humanities Project. His illustrious poetry , hybrid writings , political commentary ,short fiction , book reviews and Arts Features are published in more than 400 spaces notably the Monk Arts and Soul in Magazine in United Kingdom. Atunis Poetry.com in Belgium. Demer press poetry series in Netherlands. World Poetry Almanac in Mongolia.Poesia journal inSlovenia. Bezine Arts and Humanities Webzine in USA. The Poet a Day in Brooklyn ,USA. Litnet Writers Journal in South Africa. African Crayons in Nigeria. Poetry Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. Pulp-pit USA.the FictionalCafe international Journal , Texas USA. Best New African Poetry series in Zimbabwe, Zimbolicious Poetry Collections in Zimbabwe. Co-edited Street Voices International Publications with Andreas Weiland in Germany.Co-Edited Silent Voices Anthology, a Tribute to Chinua Achebe. Co-Edited the Corpses of Unity,solidarity collection to victimzed Cameroonians with Nsah Mala. Curated and Edited the Zimbabwe We Want Poetry ,Inside Digraceland speaking poetic truth to the Mugabe regime and other bad regimes. He owns the Time of the Poet blog zine ,MIOMBOPUBLISHING that published the #GlobalCallforPeaceProject titled the Second of EARTH is Peace.A LETTER to the PRESIDENT his experimental resistance poetry colection was released in August 2019 by Mwanaka and Media Publishing.. Co- Authored Whispering Woes of Ganges and Zambezi with Sweta Vikram in India. Good Morning President his first poetry collection was published in 2011 by Zimbabwean published based in United Kingdom, Diaspora Publishers.COVID 19 Satansdeadly fart is forthcoming. Chirasha is Founder and the Chief Editor of Brave Voices Poetry Journal, https://bravevoicespress.home.blog/ and WOMAWORDS LITERARY PRESS,https://womawordsliterarypress.home.blog/
MORE INFORMATION visit ,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbizo_Chirasha

Mbizo Chirasha the 2003,Young Writers Delegate of the ZIBF to the Goterborg Book Fair in SWEDEN. He showcased his poetry at the SIDA /AFRICA Pavilion. SIDA Diplomatic Launch. Nordic African Institute and the Swedish Writers Union in Stockholm. Poet in Residence of ICACD,Insititute of African Culture and Development in Ghana(2009). 2007 Press Conference Convener of the Inaugral Jibilika Dance Festival in Zimbabwe. 2001 Out Reach Readership Culture Agent for Zimbabwe boook Development Council, Zimbabwe. 2009 Creative Projects Consultant for Family Health Society in Namibia , affiliate to PSI Washingtn DC. 2009.Representative of Zebra Publishing House to the UNESCO PHOTO NOVEL Writing Intensive Training in Tanzania. 2015 Artist in Residence to the Shungunamutitima International Film Arts Festival in Zambia. 2014 Main Competition Films Jury Member at International Images Film Festival in Zimbabwe. A Founding Member of the Zimbabwe Poets for Human Rights. 2019 Words Fringe / Live Literature Hub at the Sotambe International Documentary and Film Arts in Kitwe , Zambia. 2004 Founder of Zimbabwe Young Writers Caravan ,a Writers and Readers Program. 2007 Curator of the This is Africa Poetry Festival. 2011 Founder and Creative Director of the GirlChildCreativity and its sequel project Girl ChildTalent Festival, exposing girl child talent in schools. United Nations Information Centre Resident Poet from 2001 to 2006 at the Celebration /Tribute to Kofi Annan . Membership Drive Officer at Budding Writers Association of Zimbabwe from 2001 to 2004. 2007 Artist in Residence Producer of This is Art Project at Zimbabwean German Society. Participating Poet at the Black History Month of the USA Embassy in Zimbabwe. Certified as an Iconic global literary influencer by the International Institute of Literature , Cultural and History in Mexico. Discussant at the 2016 LitFest Festival Program in Harare. Performance Poet at the Harare International Festival Arts at the Hivos Poetry Cafe,
eMail me Mbizo CHIRASHA at mbizotheblackpoet@gmail.com