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july westhale , a gifted penslinger .

Writer: Mbizo ChirashaMbizo Chirasha


JULY WESTHALE is an accomplished literary arts archivist and revered digital media publicist    Creative Writing Curator and Co-Founding Editor of a distinguished Magazine, pulp_pit.WESTHALE is a globally featured poet, essayist and literary arts activist with a host of her writings published on several digital and print spaces home and abroad.  Her poetry is deep and her verses are rimmed with lyrical dexterity and her mastery of the language in both form and content is beyond any measure. MAESTRO........... TIME OF THE POET REPUBLIC is grateful and humbled to feature JULY WESTHALE, a gifted poet and a literary maestro of immeasurable caliber. The poems featured here  are in her  forthcoming book, "Via Negativa" - Aluta Continua- (blurb by Mbizo CHIRASHA).


Tubbs Fire, 2017

And now the horses are as omnipresent

as the news.

         Fleeing thickets, an invisible hand

parting red smoke for them.  We are in

wine country. Ranchers keep extravagant breeds:

    vineyard palominos, dappled darlings on purple-tongued hills.

Headlines click like loafers down linoleum: Containment 0%!

And the starving ground eating it up, eating it up. Saving

nothing for later. I start taking

notes: containment      something in a container     fire Tupperware.

We were just

in the Smokies, late

fog necking with foothills.

I could have. I could have broken

into blossom, turning the curve to a bright

many-stemmed bouquet of wild horses, thunder

thighs thudding before a slinky, silky sky.

Running because it felt good.

Blowing in the wind as if their roots were still attached.


for Joey

“the silver lamp,--the ravishment, --the wonder--the darkness,--loneliness, the fearful thunder” John Keats

There’s a billboard with the route 66’s version of June Cleaver, holding a pie underneath block letters HO-MADE PIES, which is how dry towns get their jollies, I guess.

We buy coffee in cups so thin the joe becomes us and we never regain our human shapes, and I say to you I wonder where they keep the half-bull man and you shotgun back I’ve spent my life asking that like the sharp shooter you are.

Who wouldn’t want to be the son of a bull and a damned woman

we are all sons of bull and damn

     you’ve gone West to find everything or me

and look at girls the way I look at girls who are bad for me. Like a desert

through slatternly windows. This is America: the big-pricked statues statuary in their old-growth knowing:

in the end--spoiler alert--we’re both after the wrong bandit, the bank gets robbed, the two women who should be lovers but aren’t arc their Caddie like a rainbow into the lavish vaginal canyon at the last moment, the whale gets away, Faulkner’s pretend mother doesn’t get the burial she deserves, we have to choose between Liz Taylor in a kerchief or James Dean with his shirt stuttered open, and we can’t---


The night before I was executed

by firing squad, I had a sex dream--

a baptismal chimera just like a romp

in the hay. It was stupendous,

and when I woke soused in self,

I didn’t even mind the cold shoulder

of Winchesters designed for my heart.

The barrel lumens like brainless eyes,

gazing upon me with ardor,

and how like love it was, to beam

back at them, divining which suitor held the blank.


JULY WESTHALE  is an essayist, translator, and the award-winning author of five collections of poetry, including Trailer Trash,Occasionally Accurate Science, The Cavalcade, Quantifiable Data, and Via Negativa. Her most recent work can be found in McSweeney’s, The National Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, CALYX, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and The Huffington Post, among others. When she’s not teaching, she works as a co-founding editor of PULP

PorCuPineQuill is authored and edited by Mbizo CHIRASHA

Mbizo CHIRASHA the  Founder and Author of  the Time of the Poet.Freedom of Speech Fellow toPEN- Zentrum  Deutschland,Germany.Alumni  of the International Human Rights  Arts Festival in New-York, USA.Literary Arts Activism Diplomatie.  Globaly Certified  Arts Mediums Curator and Influencer. Internationally Published Page and Spoken Word Poet. Writer in Residence.  Arts for Human Rights Catalyst.  Core Team Member of the Bezine Arts and Humanities Project. His illustrious poetry , hybrid writings , political commentary ,short fiction , book reviews  and Arts Features are published in more  than 400 spaces notably the Monk  Arts and Soul in  Magazine  in United Kingdom. Atunis in Belgium. Demer press poetry series in Netherlands. World Poetry Almanac in Mongolia.Poesia journal inSlovenia. Bezine Arts and Humanities Webzine in USA. The Poet a Day in Brooklyn ,USA. Litnet Writers Journal in South Africa. African Crayons in Nigeria. Poetry Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. Pulp-pit USA.the FictionalCafe international Journal, Texas USA



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