I nickname -tag NANCY NDEKE, the Tigress of African Poetry without fear or restraint. Nancy Ndekes poetry is the graffiti of reason on digital wall papers and beyond the hills of Kirinyaga mountain. Rays of her dawn are laden by metaphors spiking the greed and insatiable belly of the menacing Corona Virus. Her resilient imagery stands tall, un-surrendering and proud against the oxblood red , confident but setting sun. Her satire quilted pen, her sword and the thick spat of her ink have defied the satanic, tumultuous fart of COVID 19. NDEKE is an example of She- Literary Hero using WORD to proclaim spiritual victory and emotional stead. Porcupine Quill is proud to feature a special set of poems authored by the tireless African Poetry Tigress. We Write Still- Porcupine Quill eDitor.

( i)
Within this stamp, size faded,
I travel a far on the wings of thoughts,
I transact with fingers,
Calling friends when possible,
Within this stamp, fate speaks,
A class on comparative studies,
And yesterday gathers dust,
As today charges on to the great unknown,
Within this stamp,now is defined,
Business of living writing new codes,
Slowly seeping deep into a new status,
One that draws a new, old boundaries,
By first demolishing old biases,
That said arrogantly, life is a fast lane affair,
How vain the belief, when now speaks so volubly,
About life being as simple as ease of breath in and out,
And as glorious as memories of childhood,
In my stamp sized room, which is my house and home,
Am slowly learning to live and let live,
Grateful for the lessons of a season of anxious living.

Earlier today, I had an altercation,
A most debilitating encounter,
When I sought to know why days are so predictable,
And nights so eloquent in muted debates,
I sipped coffee unconsciously, scorching my tongue with the effort,
A jerky protest spilled the liquid onto my thigh,
Jumping didn't shake off the scotch,
Screaming didn't thaw the sting, or the stain,
As I changed and settled to brew another cup,
A bolt did strike from somewhere,
Perhaps someone doesn't have coffee,
Perhaps someone can't take it,
Perhaps someone no longer knows it's purpose,
And I rose with guilt stretching to the ceiling.
Be grateful for what you have however little,
Somewhere out there,
The only thing that matters right now,
Is to breath with less pain.

While History weighed heavily on sides and fences,
And faith made clothes of distinction,
While culture made it partition,
And color meddled with positions,
Walls have of their own come down,
Tears make sense and raise a heavy burden,
Agony has made a uniform garment,
Fear sweeping divisions flat as plains,
High living and fine dining,
Makes no sense in the private prisons,
The forest now recognizable,
Each tree and shrub praying to the same sky,
Non believer and half believer,
Total believer in personal salvation,
Must invite another as prayer item,
For something has moved; overriding the fences,
Leaving the plastic mountains bowed in shame,
And man stands once more,
A creature vulnerable as the next one,
Lessons of the season of anxious living,
And rediscovery of home and family,
As once upon a time the clock foretold.
@ May 2020

NANCY NDEKE (Associate Editor for WOMAWORDS) is a Poet of international acclaim and a reputable literary arts consultant. Her writings, profiles, press clips and poetry are featured in several collections, anthologies and publications around the globe including the American magazine Wild Fire, Save Africa Anthology. World Federation of Poets in Mexico. Ndeke is a Resident Contributor of the Brave Voices Poetry Journal since mid-2018. African Contributor to the DIFFERENT TRUTHS, a publication that sensitizes the world on the plight of Autism edited by Aridham Roy. SAVE AFRCA ANTHOLOGY edited by Prof. Dave Gretch of Canada and reviewed by Joseph Spence Jr has featured her poetry and a paper on issues afflicting Africa and Africans. Ndeke’s poetry and other literatures in WILD FIRE PUBLICATION in America published by Susan Joyner Stumpf and Susan Brooke Langdon. ARCS MAGAZINE in New York Edited by DR. Anwer Ghani. Her women Arts Presentation was recently published by WOMEN OF ART (WOA) in Cape Coast in Ghana. Soy Poesia, in Peru, Claudette V pg 11 featured her writings with great reception.AZAHAR from Mexico, with the initiative from Josep Juarez has also featured her poetry. She is also featured in WORLD FESTIVAL OF POTRY (WFP) from Mexico under the able editorial team comprising Luz Maria Lopez .INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN WRITERS from Nigeria, under the able hands of Munyal Markus Manunyi .Patricia Amundsen from Australia featured her poetry on this year’s international women’s day at Messenger of Love, Radio Station. Esteemed poetess Jolly Bhattacharjee featured my works on her greatly acclaimed awareness anthology for 2019, India.Nancy Ndeke is a Poet of international acclaim and a reputable literary arts consultant. She brings along vast experience in literatures and other arts. She will preside on the Liberated Voices Journal, the heartbeat of WOMAWORDS LITERARY PRESS.

PorCuPineQuill is authored and edited by Mbizo CHIRASHA

Mbizo CHIRASHA the Founder and Author of the Time of the Poet.Freedom of Speech Fellow to PEN- Zentrum Deutschland,Germany. Alumni of the International Human Rights Arts Festival in New-York, USA.Literary Arts Activism Diplomatie. Globaly Certified Arts Mediums Curator and Influencer. Internationally Published Page and Spoken Word Poet. Writer in Residence. Arts for Human Rights Catalyst. Core Team Member of the Bezine Arts and Humanities Project. His illustrious poetry , hybrid writings , political commentary ,short fiction , book reviews and Arts Features are published in more than 400 spaces notably the Monk Arts and Soul in Magazine in United Kingdom. Atunis Poetry.com in Belgium. Demer press poetry series in Netherlands. World Poetry Almanac in Mongolia.Poesia journal inSlovenia. Bezine Arts and Humanities Webzine in USA. The Poet a Day in Brooklyn ,USA. Litnet Writers Journal in South Africa. African Crayons in Nigeria. Poetry Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. Pulp-pit USA.the FictionalCafe international Journal , Texas USA