Amazingly, WOMAWORDS LITERARY PRESS continues Conversations with both prominent and rising women artists, activists and writers that inspire their communities through various projects. As per our principle, we value excellence, dexterity and prowess. We are overjoyed as usual to feature prominence and profile greatness.The WOMAWORDS eDitor, Mbizo CHIRASHAmet with prolificVision Therapist , prominent Mural Artist and Poet PATRICIA TRAVIS,the most exciting about her artist gigs is versatility, she switches from being a poet to a musician and fuses her writings with community intervention errands while she also use her Vision Therapist expertise to heal children and the elderly who are visually impaired. WONDERFUL.We are gratified to welcome you into the CONVERSATIONS STUDIO, Iconic human being Patricia Travis, Aluta Continua- blurb by eDitor, Mbizo CHIRASHA.

WOMAWORDS. You are a prominent artist, your LinkedIn profile and search engines present your prowess, what are influences or drives your career life?
TRAVIS. My main influence is the Creator. What drives me is knowing the Arts are my mission in life! They are my contribution to the world and a way to give back thanks for my life.
WOMAWORDS. Have you ever done collaborations, mention a few and share how they changed you and your career positively?
TRAVIS. Yes, I have done poetry collaborations with other poets from across the globe. I plan to do more collaborations this year. Also, I have been a part of mural collaborations. It was actually my first job while in high school to collaborate a mural with other high school art students.

WOMAWORDS. What are your best artistic exhibitions and list your greatest achievements, fellowships, awards and certification?
TRAVIS. I don’t think my best artistic exhibitions has taken place yet. However, I am grateful for all past exhibitions. I have countless Art and Poetry awards. Some of my poems are in anthologies with other global poets. I gave many certificates for my Art and Poetry. One of my greatest awards was receiving a sixteen-thousand-dollar Art scholarship from the Columbus College of Art & Design in downtown Columbus, Ohio.
WOMAWORDS. What are your current projects?
TRAVIS. Currently, I am writing poetry weekly sometimes daily and restarting Literary collaborations with other poets all over the world.
WOMAWORDS. How are you healing your communities during these days of COVID19?
TRAVIS. I am healing my community by working as a Vision Therapist aiding children who have visual needs and providing therapy to improve their vision and overall well-being. Also, I assist elderly in their homes with home health care as a way to give back to the community.

WOMAWORDS. What are your future projects?
TRAVIS. My future projects are to combine my Art, Poetry and music more. Also volunteer more particularly targeting those affected by COVID 19.
WOMAWORDS. What’s your advice to other women artists at home and abroad?
TRAVIS. My advice to other women artist at home and abroad is to challenge yourself and don’t be afraid to be the first one to do something. Some are born to follow and some are born to lead and be the first. Must get back regarding the photos. I’m honored by your connection and interview.

PATRICIA TRAVIShas been a Vision Therapist since 2018. Her Art and Medical background have helped her in the field of Ophthalmology. She has worked in the church, clinic, expo and school settings serving the community. Her empathetic, energetic and encouraging demeanor are shared with each of her patients. Ms. Travis unwavering patience, genuine understanding and concern makes her a success. She is truly mindful and holds herself responsible for professional and great health care regimes. Pat is grateful to be a part of a meaningful and transformational part of a young adult’s life knowing it will affect and benefit them through their adult life. Currently, she mostly serves youth ages four through sixteen. Vision Therapy is critical time and sometime necessary through a developmental age for Optical correction and improvement. Patricia has held titles as Optical Student, Optician, and Ophthalmic Technician. She is honored and grateful to serve the community in a direct and impactful hands on method.

PorCupineQuill is authored and Edited by Mbizo CHIRASHA

Founder and Author of the Time of the Poet.Freedom of Speech Fellow toPEN- Zentrum Deutschland,Germany.Alumni of the International Human Rights Arts Festival in New-York, USA.Literary Arts Activism Diplomatie. Globaly Certified Arts Mediums Curator and Influencer. Internationally Published Page and Spoken Word Poet. Writer in Residence. Arts for Human Rights Catalyst. Core Team Member of the Bezine Arts and Humanities Project. His illustrious poetry , hybrid writings , political commentary ,short fiction , book reviews and Arts Features are published in more than 400 spaces notably the Monk Arts and Soul in Magazine in United Kingdom. Atunis Poetry.com in Belgium. Demer press poetry series in Netherlands. World Poetry Almanac in Mongolia.Poesia journal inSlovenia. Bezine Arts and Humanities Webzine in USA. The Poet a Day in Brooklyn ,USA. Litnet Writers Journal in South Africa. African Crayons in Nigeria. Poetry Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. Pulp-pit USA.the FictionalCafe international Journal, Texas USA
Thanks Cassandra for your thoughtful comment. I am honored that you liked the interview and commented about.
Thanks Rozlyn for your generous comment. I appreciate taking time out of your busy schedule to read and comment.
Patricia Travis is indeed one of America's iconic artists. Since her beginnings in the Arts she has not wavered from her abilities to hold her audience captive not only with her words, her visual arts draw people into the world in which she lives, her works are thought provoking. Patricia gives back to the community a special gift simply by being herself, allowing others to see through her eyes, she shares her experiences life has taught and shown her.
This was an awesome interview I love what you've been doing in and around our communities Patricia...you make me proud to know you ❤️❤️❤️
I'm waiting for your next Collaboration with Raahmanstatik!